Referral Forms and more
*Most consulting services are paged through locating for a consult, however, see below for services requiring special procedures*
- Addictions Services: To make a referral, page 416-692-7539, or call Locating. After hours,fax referral form to ext. 5480. pdf Addictions Referral Form (133 KB)
- Diabetes Education Nurse *they may request you involve the endocrinology team: pdf Diabetes Education Nurse Referral Form (189 KB)
- Geriatric In-Patient Consultation Service: Page the Acute care of the Elderly (ACE) pager.
- Hepatology: We do not have formal liver service; therefore, GI will consult. If a specialized hepatology opinion is needed, a referral needs to be faxed to Dr. Florence Wong and her office needs to be called. Phone: (416) 340-3834, Fax: (416) 340-5019. document Hepatology Referral Form (28 KB)
- Palliative Care: pdf Palliative Care Referral Form (49 KB)
- Psychiatry: Monday-Friday (9am-5pm): Page Brock Cooper, NP (416-685-9046). On evenings and weekends, page Psychiatry on call.
- Wound Care: pdf Wound Care Referral Form (65 KB)
- Dentist referrals: Dr. Ganz- 416-828-0223
- Ortho Tech: 416-685-9288
Rapid Referral Clinic
- Refer a patient here if you are discharging them from the Emergency Department and they need to be seen for a GIM issue that needs to be followed up on within 1-3 days.
- document Rapid Referral Clinic Instructions (21 KB)
- document Rapid Referral Clinic Referral Form (214 KB)
GIM Clinic
- Refer a patient here if you are discharging them from the Ward and they need to be seen for a GIM issue that needs to be followed up on within 2-4 weeks.
- document GIM Clinic Referral Instructions (19 KB)
- document GIM Clinic Referral Form (181 KB)
- If a patient that you are discharging from the ward needs to be seen sooner: Call Maureen at 5928 to schedule an appointment for the patient to see you in clinic (this can usually happen within 3-7 days of discharge).
Other Clinics:
- Acute Kidney Injury: pdf AKI Clinic Referral Form (101 KB)
- Atrial Fibrillation Clinic: pdf AFib Clinic Referral Form (154 KB)
- Chronic Pain Clinic: A referral can be faxed to 416-864-5854
- Heart Failure Clinic: pdf CHF Clinic Referral Form (132 KB)
- Hepatology Clinic: document Hepatology Clinic Referral Form (28 KB)
- Secondary Stroke Prevention Clinic: Fax: 416-864-5737, Phone: 416-864-6060 Ext. 3576
- Thromboembolism Clinic: pdf VTE Clinic Referral Form (155 KB)
- Addictions:
- Rapid Access Clinic – for those who have been in contact with ER or admitted for addictions issues
- Drop in clinics
- Coordinated Addictions Services (through City of Toronto)- 1-855-505-5045
- Clients can speak to an addictions counselor who will assist them in finding the appropriate level of care for their needs. Hours: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday
- http://
Consent Forms:
- image Consent for Blood Transfusion (106 KB)
- image Consent for Procedure (95 KB)
- image Consent for HIV testing (95 KB)
- image Consent for Release of Information (65 KB)
Diagnostic Imaging Forms:
Other Useful Forms:
- Home Oxygen: Page RT for Respirology: Brent West: 416-685-9089 and fill out the image Home Oxygen Referral Form (84 KB)
- image Outpatient Lab Requisition (80 KB)
- pdf MOCA (435 KB)
- pdf Reporting to the Ministry of Transportation (375 KB)