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Special Circumstances: Day Pass, AMA

Day passes:

  • On very rare occasions (e.g. to visit a potential placement site or to attend to an extremely urgent personal matter), exceptions may be made after discussion with the case manager and/or the attending physician

Patients leaving against medical advice:

  • Patients capable of making the decision to leave against medical advice may do so.
  • Should be formally discharged
    • If they return, they are to be readmitted through the Emergency Department.
  • Have the patient sign a “Leaving against medical advice form” found on 14CC (ward clerk can help you find this). If the patient refuses to sign the chart, document this in the chart.
  • A discharge summary needs to be completed and it should be indicated in the discharge summary that the patient left against medical advice.

As soon as possible after admission, identify any patient who is incapable of making his or her own decisions, so that a substitute decision maker can be identified or appointed. The Clinical Ethics Service is available to provide consultation and advice; call extension 5670 to obtain assistance.